Indian authorities have reportedly shut down a Som Distilleries and Breweries spirit production site and suspended its manufacturing licences following the discovery of child workers at the plant.

Reuters yesterday (19 June) reported that Indian police had impounded the alcohol production facility in India’s Madhya Pradesh’s Raisen district.

India’s police had launched an investigation into Som Distilleries and Breweries after the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), India’s children’s rights agency, said it had found children and teenagers working in a liquor factory that was supplying the publicly listed group.

Earlier this week, Som Distilleries and Breweries sought to distance the company from reports of child labour by stating that “these concerns are not related to Som Distilleries and Breweries Limited but relate to our associate private limited company which deals in country liquor primarily and not the listed company as reported”.

The company, home to brands including Milestone Blue whisky and White Fox vodka, said contractors supply the unnamed associated company with labour.

It added: “It may be the fault of the contractors who may not have got proper age verification done of the workers being allowed to work at that company. That company has extended full cooperation to the authorities regarding the issue and have terminated the services of the vendor through the directors of that company.”

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The police report noted some of the children had chemical burns on their hands. NCPCR chairperson Priyank Kanoongo had posted images of the chemical burns on the children’s hands on social media.

Kanoongo told Reuters that some of the children were delivered to the factory on school busses.

Just Drinks has contacted Som Distilleries for further comment.

Som Distilleries and Breweries has production facilities in Madhya Pradesh and Odisha.

For the 12 months ended 31 March 2024, the company reported income of Rs.12.8bn ($153.5m), compared to the year prior of Rs8.08bn. The group’s EBITDA was up 50% to Rs1.5bn.

Last year, the company was contracted by Carlsberg Group to produce its Carlsberg and Tuborg beers at its Odisha brewery.