Low-alcohol sakes

Patent Number: WO 98/55592
Type of Patent: PCT Patent Application
Author: Morishita Y., Asahi A., Bou M.
Language: English

Abstract: This patentapplication concerns low-alcohol sakes. The sakes have the characteristic flavour ofconventional sakes, but contain between 4.0 and 12.0% ethanol. They are produced byseparating ester-rich fractions from feedstock sakes by vacuum distillation to reduce thealcohol content, and then returning the ester-rich fractions.

One-push openable cap mechanism

Patent Number: WO 98/55371
Type of Patent: PCT Patent Application
Author: Yoshihara H.
Language: English

Abstract: This inventionrelates to a one-push openable mechanism for a container cap. The cap and a plug may beeasily opened in a one-push action by fingers.

Clear or translucent liquidbeverage with soluble fiber and nutrients

Patent Number: 5 851 578
Type of Patent: United States Patent
Author: Gandhi A.
Language: English

Abstract: A beverage thatcontains soluble fibre, minerals, e.g. calcium, and other active ingredients is described.It can be supplied as a powder or liquid concentrate, or in a ready-to-drink form, whichcan be carbonated or still. It has a low viscosity and good clarity. It contains enoughvitamins and minerals to meet US daily recommended allowances and has a similar flavour totraditional fruit flavoured drinks.

Method for injection molding amulti-layer preform for use in blow molding a plastic bottle

Patent Number: 5 851 471
Type of Patent: United States Patent
Author: Schloss F.M., Balduff D.C.
Language: English

Abstract: A method formanufacturing a multi-layer plastic container, e.g. bottle, that contains recycled andvirgin plastic is described. It is economical to use and encourages the use of recycledplastic. This method reduces the amount of recycled PET, which is less durable than virginPET, located at the bottom of the bottle. The bottle is strong and durable and has abottom region that is unlikely to fail.

Production of sweet potato juice

Patent Number: 10-117745
Type of Patent: Japanese Patent Application
Author: Fukaya T., Hosoi K., Sakamoto H., Muraoka A.
Language: Japanese

Abstract: Sweet potatojuice with a high beta-carotene content is obtained by heat treatment to inactivatepolyphenol oxidase and activate amylase, followed by squeezing in a press. The juice hasgood colour and mouthfeel, and a high pigment (carotene) content, and is low in pulpcontent. A similar process is used to obtain sweet potato juice with a high anthocyanincontent. (See also Japanese Patent Application 10-117746, 10-117747.)

Chilling device for beveragecontainer

Patent Number: 5 845 501
Type of Patent: United States Patent
Author: Stonehouse D.R., Wood T.M., Nelson C.H., Livingstone D., BrindleF., Theaker P.
Language: English

Abstract: A cooling deviceis described for beverage bottles or cans that enables the beverage to be chilledimmediately before consumption. The container to be chilled is placed in a reservoircontaining liquefied refrigerant gas. The gas is allowed to escape from the reservoirthrough several exit holes, and this causes cooling of the walls of the container. Aring-pull or rotary device is provided to activate the cooling system. The container ispreferably a thin-walled aluminium or steel two-piece or three-piece can. An insulatingjacket may surround the outer surface of the reservoir.

Corrugated gable top carton

Patent Number: 5 848 748
Type of Patent: United States Patent
Author: Bouraoui H.T., Duvander P.
Language: English

Abstract: A gable-topcarton that is made from corrugated board is described. It can be used to package liquidand solid materials. The inner and outer facing walls can be covered with polymers, e.g.low-density polyethylene, or barrier materials, e.g. metal foils. These cartons arelighter and more economical to manufacture than traditional gable-top containers.

Process for preparing a saffronflavoured beverage in particular liqueur

Patent Number: 875 561
Type of Patent: European Patent Application
Author: Dhandhania A.
Language: English

Abstract: This patentapplication relates to the production of a saffron-flavoured beverage, particularly aliqueur. The process features the preparation of a flavouring agent containing naturalsaffron. It involves cleaning the saffron; grinding and/or converting it into saffronsyrup, which is distilled at 80 C; cooling and condensing the saffron liqueur; and addingthe decoction to demineralized water.