Two European spirits trade organisations have collated industry efforts to reduce alcohol-related harm around the continent on to one website.
The European Spirits Organisation (CEPS) and The European Forum for Responsible Drinking (EFRD) announced yesterday (25 February) that the online database, located here, offers information on initiatives from across Europe to tackle underage drinking and drink-driving, to promote responsible drinking, responsible service/selling of alcohol and to raise alcohol awareness in the workplace.
“This database highlights over 300 of our initiatives from across 23 European countries and also measures their impact,” said Jamie Fortescue, director general of CEPS. “We hope this new initiative will encourage producers from across Europe to work together to fight alcohol abuse and misuse by sharing best practice and ideas.
“Producers, decision-makers, educators and public health organisations now have a comprehensive source of information on some of the most successful campaigns from across Europe to reduce alcohol related harm. We hope this resource will inspire a whole new range of more effective prevention policies and programmes in the future.”