Anheuser-Busch InBev is to produce and distribute products for The Wine Group in the US including a high-strength-alcohol flavoured malt beverage range.

The Budweiser owner will manufacture MD 20/20 Spiked Punch, a range of 12%-abv fruit-flavoured FMBs. MD 20/20 is The Wine Group’s fortified wine brand.

A-B InBev will also distribute and package the range, which was launched last month and is available in three flavours.

Meanwhile, the company will handle US distribution of 101 North, a new Californian wine range from The Wine Group comprising Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and Moscato varietals. The range is available across the US in 75cl bottles, while the Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio come in a 50cl Tetra Pak format.

A-B InBev already plays in a number of non-beer categories. At the end of last year, the company secured production rights for Sazerac Co’s Fireball and Southern Comfort FMBs as well as a White Russian RTD under its own Cutwater Spirits division.

Last month, The Wine Group secured a long-term agreement with Treasury Wine Estates for the US licences to four lower-priced wine brands.

Treasury Wine Estates makes US offload to The Wine Group – But, who is The Wine Group? – click here for a just-drinks analysis