The zero-abv Mock Bar, made by Kirin wine subsidiary Mercian, contains flavours taken from seven different fruits and herbs as well as a condensed wine that has had its alcohol removed. The end result is a sangria with a wine-style aroma and a high fruit juice content, according to the brand owner.
Mock Bar will roll out to Japanese convenience retail in two flavours – Orange & Mango and Pear & Pineapple – from the end of June. The line is packaged in 25cl bottles and targets consumers in their 20s and 30s that want a “luxury” lifestyle but prefer not to get drunk, Kirin said.
The company has released a number of products targetting health & wellness in the past 12 months. Last year, Kirin launched the 0%-abv beer Green’s Free, while in January, it unveiled new products including an amino acid bottled water and probiotic drinks containing a proprietary lactic acid.