Michelle Obama has announced her involvement as co-founder of Plezi Nutrition, a fledgling US business selling beverages said to be healthier for children.

The nutrition company produces a range of beverages for kids that claim to contain 75% less sugar than “leading” 100% fruit juice brands. Each 237ml bottle also contains two grams of fibre per serving.

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Plezi Nutrition wants to address concerns about the health credentials of drinks being consumed by children.

“Studies are showing that kids aren’t getting enough nutrients like fibre and potassium and they’re consuming far too much added sugar – with nearly two-thirds of young people consuming sugary drinks on a given day,” Obama said.

Plezi Nutrition’s drinks are listed in around 1,800 Target stores in the US. It produces four variants: Tropical Punch, Orange Smash, Sour Apple and Blueberry Blast.

In a statement posted on the Plezi Nutrition website, Obama said: “We’re starting with a beverage because we know how much concern parents and paediatricians have about sugary drinks.

“Make no mistake, water and milk – along with whole fruits and vegetables – are still the best options for your kids. And the latest guidelines confirm that kids shouldn’t be regularly drinking anything other than water or milk until they’re at least five years old. But once kids become school-aged, we all know drinking only water and milk isn’t a reality.”

John Shulman – founder of healthcare investment group Juggernaut Capital Partners – is also a co-founder of Plezi Nutrition. His investment firm has backed other beverage producers, including Voss water and Zoa energy drinks.

Plezi Nutrition has pledged 10% of its profits will be used to promote children’s health. The commitment is accompanied by a $1m donation by Obama to US NGO FoodCorps and its Nourishing Futures initiative, which aims to provide free school meals and nutritional education to all US students in America by 2030.